Q/ Your co-op sound fantastic! And I need a place to live in London - can I join?

A/ At the moment we are unable to house all of our existing members, so unfortunately we are not in a position to take on any new members.

Q/ I am really interested in housing co-ops and communal living, and I will be travelling through London soon. Can I come and stay with you? I'll do the washing up!

A/ We are a very small housing co-op; we own one small property and manage another. Each of our members lives in a very small self contained flat, so as well as there being space and privacy issues we have very little to offer a person who wants to experience true communal living. If this is what you are after, there are probably other co-ops that would offer you a better experience, not to mention better facilities!

Q/ Who was Mary Ann Johnson?
A/ During the Agricultural Swing Riots in 1830's Britain, a ten year old girl was arrested for arson. No evidence could be found against her, and when she refused to give evidence against her fellow villagers she was rewarded for her loyalty and courage with deportation. She was called Mary Ann Johnson. Her act of defiant solidarity could have been forgotten, but we chose to commemorate her in the name of our co-op. You can read more about her on our Statement of intent page.

 The best two books on the "Swing" movement are The Village labourer, by JL & B Hammond and Captain Swing, by EJ Hobsbawm & G Rude